The Importance of Senior Companionship Care

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Most aspects of senior care focus on healthcare or medical needs. Senior companionship care is an often-overlooked form of assistance that can be quite important. Companionship care is ideal for aging adults who may be physically and mentally healthy but still need emotional support. This form of caregiving provides many important benefits to seniors. 

Provides Social Connections

Humans are social creatures who need to converse and stay in touch with others. Seniors often find it difficult to stay connected because of the loss of friends and a lack of mobility. One of the most important duties companions carry out is to just be there for seniors. Whether a companion has deep conversations or just mundane chats with a senior, it can boost the senior’s cognitive health. 

For families living in Cincinnati, in-home care can be a wonderful solution when their aging loved ones need companionship and socialization a few hours a week or just need minor assistance with daily household tasks. At Assisting Hands Home Care, we thrive on helping seniors maintain their independence while living in the comfort of home.

Encourages a Sense of Independence

Even though companionship caregivers aren’t servants or nurses, they provide valuable assistance to seniors who can no longer do everything themselves. Instead of doing tasks for a senior, a companion can help him or her complete tasks. Through the interaction with the companion, a senior’s household needs can be met while he or she continues to retain autonomy. A caregiver’s ability to accompany a senior on errands, assist with meal preparation, or fold laundry can greatly enhance your loved one’s quality of life without making him or her feel old and helpless.

Reduces Chances of Cognitive Decline

Conversing and socializing with a companionship caregiver can stimulate a senior’s brain. A 2012 study published in the Journal of Aging Research found regularly socializing with others can greatly reduce the risk of dementia in aging adults. A companionship caregiver is also more likely to notice early warning signs of cognitive decline and can help a senior begin treatment as quickly as possible. 

Caring for seniors with dementia can be challenging for family caregivers. Luckily, there is dementia care Cincinnati families can rely on. Professional dementia caregivers help seniors with dementia stay safe and comfortable at home by preventing wandering, providing cognitive stimulation, and assisting with household chores.

Boost Physical Fitness

In general, people are more likely to exercise with a friend. Companions often help seniors get out of the house for walks or light exercises at a gym. During conversations or meal preparation, companions can also suggest healthy meal options to enhance a senior’s diet. This form of encouragement can greatly boost an aging adult’s health in the long term. 

Prevent Boredom

A large proportion of the senior population experiences boredom, which can lead to anxiety and depression. Companion care focuses on activities for seniors. Sometimes caregivers bring activities with them that may spark a senior’s interest in a hobby he or she used to enjoy. When seniors are involved in tasks and invested in their lives, they’re less likely to end up with cognitive issues. Companions often play games, work on hobbies, and organize book clubs as part of their regular duties. Participating in these activities can help seniors rediscover their sense of enthusiasm and curiosity. 

If your aging loved one needs help managing everyday tasks or encouragement to adopt healthier lifestyle choices, turn to Assisting Hands Home Care, a leading provider of at-home care. Assisting Hands Home Care provides professional in-home caregivers around the clock to help seniors live longer, happier, and healthier lives. Call us today at 513-993-5025 to discuss how we can give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing your loved one is being cared for with professionalism and compassion.